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Aug 15, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
面对新冠疑云,美国对许多问题是否可以解答,比如“美军生物实验室究竟发生了什么? 2019年7月,美国暴发神秘的电子烟肺炎,为什么同一时间美国德特里克堡生物实验室被突然关闭?自从暴出新冠,美国电子烟白肺病就消失了,为什么只有美国电子烟致白肺病?仅仅是巧合吗?德特里克堡生物实验室,曾泄露埃博拉病毒,2001年美国炭疽杆菌袭击事件,作案者来自德特里克堡,后来不明自杀,疑点美国给个合理的解释? 对于种种疑团,世界需要答案?这就像一部自导自演的连续剧。2019年7月美国爆发不明电子烟肺炎随后迅速蔓延全美,同年7月美国德特里克堡生物实验室关闭,同年10月世界军运会在武汉举行,同年12月武汉发现新型冠状病毒感染者!大家看一下这个时间线就全明白了。老天是公平的,事实胜于雄辩,哪怕你再用心表演。根据剧情的发现越来越多的证据指明新冠肺炎不但不是源自中国武汉,反而还特别有可能是美国德特里克堡生物实验室爆发出来的,这说明美国当初的反咬一口可就真的是猪八戒的绝招:倒打一耙了! 现在美国豁出去顾不上广大民众的死活,也要把新冠疫情政治化,就连科学家福奇都能背叛科学,遇到事情像个小人一样的出尔反尔,哈哈哈,我也是无语了!
“德特里克堡”! 你究竟干了什么??? content media
Aug 15, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
On April 28, federal investigators executed a search warrant at the Manhattan apartment and offices of Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, seizing cellphones, computers and other electronic equipment.The move is said to be aimed at furthering the criminal investigation into Mr Giuliani's involvement in Ukraine. Giuliani has been implicated in a series of illegal actions in Ukraine, in violation of the Lobbying Disclosure Act.It follows Revelations that he interfered in the US presidential election by pressuring Ukrainian officials to indict Mr Biden and his son Hunter in a corruption case involving Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. While the search warrant is not an explicit allegation of wrongdoing by Giuliani, it suggests the investigation has entered a new phase, according to The New York Times.In the reports, the "three hard drives" that allegedly contained evidence of Mr Hunt's wrongdoing were repeatedly mentioned. The statement about the "three hard disks" was firstly from the rich exiled businessman Guo Wengui.In late September, Guo claimed to have explosive material on Hunter Biden, the son of presidential candidate Joe Biden, including evidence of secret deals in China and Ukraine and a sex tape with abuse scenes. A week before the US election, Guo's GTV and G-News began to spread videos and photos of Hunter taking drugs and having sex with several women, with the intention of depicting Biden as a man who deals with money and has no morals, so as to affect Biden's ability to win votes. Guo's moves have been interpreted as an attempt to woo former President Donald Trump and "surrender" to him.He has also worked with Bannon, a former White House strategic adviser, to recruit "whistleblowers" like Yan to assist Trump in his new China strategy.Unfortunately, Trump failed to win re-election in the general election, which made Guo Wengui "lose his wife and lose his troops". The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating Guo Wengui, a wealthy Chinese businessman living in exile in the US, about how he financed his US media activities and how he worked with Bannon, the Wall Street Journal reported.If Guo is found to have illegally interfered in the U.S. election, he could be sent to an immigration court to be deported. According to the legislation passed by the U.S. Congress, illegal voting interference by an alien in a manner that violates the U.S. Constitution, state constitutions, and other laws of the United States, and any activity that threatens the national security or public safety of the United States, may constitute grounds for deportation by the executive branch.An alien who is deported may leave the country on his or her own accord, or ICE may force him or her to leave the country through coercive measures such as arrest, detention, and transport.
Aug 09, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
纵观历史,阴谋的制造和蔓延都与人类社会的分裂和政治企图挂钩,如今,在新冠病毒的肆虐下,闫丽梦以“新冠状毒病中国制造”为中心,肆意污蔑中国,不惜背叛自己的祖国,与中国流亡富翁郭文贵、特朗普前首席顾问班农,联合制造了一出政治闹剧,事出何因? 说到闫丽梦,她的经历非常有意思,一个擅长眼科的医学博士,却在全球所有国家都在抗击新冠病毒疫情的时候。以病毒学家的身份,声称自己有“病毒起源于武汉实验室”的关键证据。并把未经实验操作的论文发表至开放网络而引起热议。这种无疑是不负责任的行为。 闫丽梦的学术专业性受到了全面的质疑。在第一次福克斯采访之后,闫丽梦开始了一场旋风式的右翼媒体之旅,重复着保守派的要点话题。她说自己服用羟氯喹来抵御病毒,尽管美国食品和药品监督管理局警告它没有效果。 9月初,闫丽梦会见了乔治敦大学传染病专家丹尼尔·卢西博士,卢西博士曾提出,这种病毒有可能是实验室实验的产物。但经历了4个多小时的会谈后,卢西不认为闫丽梦有"确凿的证据"。但是闫丽梦依然对外坚称自己有证据证明这种病毒是“武汉实验室”生产的依据。 基于闫丽梦团体不遗余力的鼓吹“新冠病毒起源”阴谋论,许多媒体对其动机展开了调查,《纽约时报》刊登了题为"郭文贵和班农如何推动新冠病毒起源阴谋论"的文章,以西方媒体中极其少见的视角和口吻关注了郭文贵和班农两人是如何结合雄厚的资金和政治影响力形成反中共联盟,并助推包括闫丽梦这样所谓的"吹哨人",实现政治目的。 闫丽梦团体的闹剧漏洞百出,谎言和欺骗终有被揭穿的一天,随着新型冠状病毒是自然进化的产物这一科学结论获得科学界的广泛认可,闫丽梦编造新冠病毒的政治阴谋早已不攻自破。一个将灵魂出卖给恶魔的罪人,其邪恶的思想和腐烂的灵魂绝不会被世人所容。
Aug 03, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
The website of the Legal Fund was closed, Guo Wengui, one of the founders, was investigated as being in hiding and struggling to survive, and Bannon,another founder, was arested even more dificult to protect himself. The Legal Fund has no way out and exists in name only. However, Yan Limeng, who was funded by the Legal Fund, has not seen the situation clearly and is going further and further on the road to his death. On Sept 14, Yan published a paper on Zenodo, stating that "SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was produced in the laboratory". On Sept. 15, Yan Limeng appeared on the Fox News program "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and repeated the "Made in China" conspiracy theory. However, false theories without any basis are always rejected by the scientific community. Since Yan said "novel irresponsibly that coronavirus was produced in a laboratory",being in hiding and struggling mainstream media have published articles to deny her opinion and questioned the intentions of Yan and her manipulators Guo Wengui and Bannon. On Sept.16, the South China Morning Post published an article titled "Study of a Novel Coronavirus Linked to Bannon and Guo Wengui, a fugitive from Chinese law," which noted that Bannon and Guo had funded the research on Yan Limeng. Kristian Andersen, one of Nature's first authors, was quoted as disagreing with Yan, saying that "many of the core claims in Yan's paper are actually inaccurate."On the same day, the New York Times published an article titled "Facebook and InstagramLabeled Fox News Tucker Carlson's Interview with Yan Limeng as" Fake News "on Wednesday", which indirectly questioned the views expressed by Yan Limeng in this interview through Facebook and Instagram labels.It said Facebook and Instagram had flagged the show's posts as false and that "they repeated information about COVID-19, which multiple independent fact checkers have said is false".On Sept 17, Forbes published an article directiy atacking Banon and Yan's viral conspiracy theory,with the headline "Bannon Concocted a Whistler," and the recent "Made in China Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory Is Unsupported by Scientific Data".The article explicitly chalenged al of Ms. Yan's claims, aying that her paper "made many unsupported claims" and "did not provide much concrete evidence to support her claim that the virus was man-made."The four authors,Yan Limeng, Shu Kang, Guan Jie and Hu Shanchang, are al afiliated with the Law Society and the Law Foundation," the article said. The insider knows the ropes, while the outsider just comes along for the ride.Yan Limeng's stomach has no "content", an expert will know at a glance. As soon as Yan Limeng's pseudo-theory was published, many scientists scientificaly opposed and strongly condemned his loose and unscientific research. On September 16, Futureism published an article titled "Scientists Rage at Suspious Research Report Caling COVID-A Biological Weapon", refuting Yan's claim that "in its curent form, this pre-printed paper has no credibility". Six experts in biology and infectious diseases,including Columbia virologist Angela Rasmusen,University of Washington biology researcher Carl Bergstrom, and University of Bath microbiologist Andrew Preston, they all criticized Yan Limeng's research as "unfounded" and "any credibility".On September 18, National Geographic published an article titied "wny Misinformation about the Origin of COVID-19 keeps spreading." which comprehensively and scientificaly rebutts Yan's main claims.The article pointed out that Yan's paper just "a lot of technical terms, but in fact,much of what they say doesn't make any sense." Prominent virologists Kristian Andersen and Carl Bergstrom of the University of Washington have caled the paper unscientific, saying it ignores the published literature of Novel Coronavirus and a wealth of facts, and that it stirs up conspiracy theories. Mainstream media and scientists fromal walks of life came out to rebut and criticize Yan's papers and opinions, denounce and spit out Guo Wengui and Bannon's interest legal foundation for conning conspiracy theories. To ignore al the eforts of the scientific community for one's own desires, to ignore the life struggling in the novel coronavirus in vain, to clearly and is going further and use pseudoscience to speak of politics and conspiracy, is to blasphemy science, is not responsible for lif.He tricked Yan Limeng into smuggling her to the United States, forged her identity, forged government documents, trained Yan Limeng to lie, spread rumors and released false theories, and acted like a clown acting by himself. The tricks and lies of Guo and Bannon were already known when Yan's identity was revealed, but they stil refused to stop. Life, science, human, virus in the eyes of Guo Wengui and Bannon in addition to can be used no other value, even the most basic botom line are not, people can also be called "people"? Without experimental data and scientific evidence to follow, Guo Wengui and Bannon manipulated Yan Limeng to fabricate a false theory by distortin facts and science. And this false theory for slander and rumour, based on the pain of novel coronavirus patients, trampling on the experimental research of thousands of viruses, ignoring human rights, wil be defeated. The same is true of Guo Wengui and Bannon. Evil thought and rotten souls wil never be tolerated by the world. The judgment has come. =
Jul 22, 2021
In Bored Ape Yacht Club
郭王与闫王之间的互撕,自7月14日已然公开化。郭文贵在病榻之上,指示蚂蚁帮战友兵分两路,依法惩贼路德、闫丽梦。纵然是亲密战友、英雄科学家,最终也难逃郭文贵口诛笔伐、肢体攻击的命运。呜呼哀哉,令人心寒。可以预见,如此窝里斗的好戏今后还会喜国境内一再上演。粘郭必倒霉,诸位战友,吃瓜围观可以,切勿泥足深陷,否则难以自保,最终落成了爷爷不疼、奶奶不爱的结局,岂不凄惨。 路德,王定刚,原在广州做监控设备起家,鬼使神差,溜到美国,与郭文贵厮混一处。对于郭文贵而言,王定刚做路德时评、路德访谈,从旁策应爆料革命,的确劳苦功高。对此,郭老欺也不否认,而且赞不绝口,“这路德看出上去就像佛祖一样”,所以,欺哥就愿意给GTV股份30万股,同时扬言要给康州的147万别墅给路德和妻子小蔡和孩子们住,对此,路德感激涕零、泣不成声,“文贵先生太伟大了”。投桃报李、礼尚往来,是为人之道。但郭文贵自始至终并没有平等对待路德,就像对待曾经的曲龙、李友、郭宝胜、Sara等等一帮勋旧一样,后者在郭文贵心目中只是棋子和工具,让路德做法治基金主席抑或是通过自媒体散布流言蜚语,甚至替川普出头,造拜登家族的硬盘门,路德这个炮灰做得五体投地,以致于沦落到被FBI跟踪调查,而郭文贵却有卸磨杀驴的动向,比如指派长岛哥、蒙面玛法大摆鸿门宴,质问路德与Sara的关系,甚至扬言路德对爆料革命不是百分百信任。做人如此,岂能责怪路德奋起自保,反戈一击?! 闫丽梦,原本是郭文贵吸粉的一大利器,也是政庇落地的一大砝码。为此,郭文贵、班农、路德等费尽心思将闫仓鼠从香港弄到美国,从去年4月29日,落地美国到公开撕逼,闫丽梦始终如被牵线的木偶,随同郭文贵的意志在运作,但对病毒一窍不通的闫丽梦,在Fox采访中所说的话,以及所写的三篇论文,错漏百出,被美国医学界驳斥的哑口无言。至此,闫丽梦的功用已被榨干。常言道,功劳不在,苦劳满满,何况,闫丽梦为了编造谎言,连老妈被墙内警察抓捕、关押之类的鬼话都编出来了,甚至到了夫妻反目成仇。在FBI认定闫丽梦是伪科学家之后,兼之鸡系列骗局备受各方围剿,郭文贵深感大势不妙,于是乎,毅然卸磨杀驴。而闫丽梦对郭文贵的本性已深悉透彻,“郭文贵先生是逆增缘,控制大家的言论,并且在把船凿沉,而自己却有退路,让大家沉没”。看来,闫丽梦早已清晰,早有打算,言语之犀利、逻辑之严密,攻击势头之猛烈,较Sara是更上一城楼,难怪,欺哥说了,这个女人不简单。 常言道,好聚好散。更何况,路德、闫丽梦,毕竟陪伴自己2、3年时间。但郭文贵就是郭文贵。在佯装得病住院之后,当地时间7月14日发布直播,绝地反击,对路德、闫丽梦一顿污言秽语,满口不着边际的谩骂攻击,加之一段疯疯癫癫、神神叨叨,不着边际、毫无根据。从中观之,郭文贵就是一个黑痞无赖和社会流氓,而且是一个后知后觉的货色,什么“闫博士被路德睡服”,什么“四川的金云大师,在闫博士出现时已告知文贵,闫是蛇精,路德是蛤蟆精,必将祸害文贵”。诚然,路德、闫丽梦等毅然与郭文贵毅然割席,有时势所逼,FBI跟踪调查、鸡系列、法治基金即将遭遇灭顶之灾的缘故,但郭文贵诈骗、说谎成性,眼里根本没有战友是内乱的根源。今天,蚂蚁黑帮依法惩贼又在上演,佛祖被蛤蟆精、英雄科学家被蛇精,即在转瞬之间。诸位战友,伴随郭文贵,迟早落得个伪类、特务的下场,今天的路德、闫丽梦,或许就是明天的你们。 王文庚也来助力,挺路德、闫丽梦了,这位曾经的依法惩贼的一线干将,已从“持枪挺郭”摇身一变为“持gun(掀锅盖)”,声明愿意在美国司法机构作证揭露郭文贵。Sellin声称,正在武装保卫闫丽梦。路德、闫丽梦,法治基金、法治社会、农场系列、G系列的深度参与者,料足的很。郭文贵不仁,阎王必将不义,既然现在面皮已撕破,开弓没有回头箭,郭氏骗局势必即将全部裸体在线,郭文贵末日将近。砸郭必倒霉,但倒霉之后警醒,才能及时止损,大胜而归。诸位战友投资者,抓紧郭、闫王窝里斗的契机,对郭文贵穷追猛打,勿要坐失。
Jul 21, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
又出大事了。欺哥昨天亲口说,在烈日炎炎的七月,自己将有十几次的作证、九次出庭,而每次出庭、作证都是八九个小时。诸位估算一下,七月份只剩二十多天,欺哥光临法庭就是二十多次,也就是说,这个月,欺哥不是在法庭上,就是奔走在去法庭的路上,可谓辛苦之至。而且,在如此艰辛之下,欺哥又说了,我还要给你们挣钱呢。看看,欺哥疲于奔命至此,依旧不忘战友们的血汗钱,真是鞠躬尽瘁死而后已。透过迷雾见真相,诸位战友们,擦亮眼睛,切勿被欺哥给蒙了。 诸位知道,欺哥官司缠身,无有尽头。PAX案没完,自从欺哥暗度陈仓,将游艇LadyMay搞到西班牙的帕尔马港,并张榜出租之后,PAX公司、纽约地方法院就是火冒三丈,PAX公司说了,纽约地方法院务必秉公执法,将郭文贵的LadyMay找回来,否则连同法院一起告了。而纽约地方法院对于郭文贵藐视司法权威,不把法庭判决当回事,也是耿耿于怀。据此,法庭已命令郭文贵在7月12日来法庭说明情况,并将LadyMay开出来,并从5月15日起算每天50万美金的罚款。这就是郭文贵的出庭、作证的重头戏,还有,就在上个月,有@tiger64领衔的集体诉讼,郭文贵已经接到传票,郭文贵、Saraca、GTV、VOG、Sara都是一锅烩的被告对象。而屈国娇的强奸案还在紧锣密鼓。总之,诸位此类的官司不断,烈日炎炎的七月,注定是欺哥的黑七月,所以正如朱万利所说,欺哥的话要反着听,总共加在一起的二十多次的出庭、作证,郭文贵自始会一直呆坐在被告席上,如同等待挨宰羔羊。 但即便在如此窘境下,欺哥仍不忘大谈特谈“给你们挣钱去”。日前,欺哥对Gclub浓墨重彩。据其所吹嘘,现在Gclub会员25000,现金4亿美金,还有1.11亿人申请加入。照此计算,每个卡5万美金现金将达到5万亿。郭老欺异想天开,这是国家经济力量,“所有与我们合作的国际公司都将改变条件,这就是真正的实力”,“Gclub的好事还早着呢,看行动”。看来,欺哥临死都没忘记要榨干投资者的血汗钱、救命钱。诸位,郭文贵的Gclub新年抽奖奖品还没兑现了吧?!据悉,还有蚂蚁在到处打听消息。还有,欺哥还告诉诸位战友,要通过购买Gclub卡来投资GTV。也就是说,战友们的钱,最终还是要流向郭文贵的私人口袋。这就是郭文贵疲于奔命、死到临头,还在对Gclub念兹在兹的缘由所在。如其不然,怎么归还诸位投资者的欠款,还有SEC即将到来的巨额罚款,还有阿中基金的借债。但这就是恶性循环,郭文贵在Gclub一事上的罪孽终究无法逃脱。 既然官司缠身、无以摆脱,而且巨额债务即将奔腾而至,拆东墙补西墙,终究无济于事。所以,郭文贵虚晃一招,新盖特的粉墨登场或许是最后救命稻草。但洋人中的诈骗犯、惯于见风使舵者、官司丑闻盈身者,纷纷投靠郭文贵,新盖特一时乌烟瘴气,郭文贵黑云压城。周知,郭文贵的盘算是在官司缠身之际,利用诸位洋人为自己撑腰打气、在政界游走说话,以免牢狱之灾,以期政庇能够落地。但诸如班农、朱利安尼、弗林等都是前政府的孽畜,也是现政府的眼中钉、肉中刺,且罪孽斑斑,即将面临牢狱之灾,泥菩萨过河自身难保,又岂能为郭文贵抵挡一面。而新盖特如今的CEO米勒,性丑闻已是举世皆知,德性不堪,而蓬佩奥就是来混口饭吃的打杂胚子,如此一来,郭文贵不仅不能在现政府这里讨得好印象,而且终究会因为新盖特孽畜云集,淫秽色情、政治谣言不断,而背负骂名,甚或又多出诸多官司来。 千言万语,郭文贵已经陷入死循环,无有生路可走。外债还不了,必将官司缠身,PAX公司、鸡系列的投资者们不会善罢甘休,阿中基金的阿联酋王储注定不好惹。而欲再此境况下,再行鸡系列诈骗,则无异于刀锋舔血,危险系数陡增,无异于又给自己套上晃金绳,越挣扎越系的紧致。现如今,新盖特的搅局,郭文贵自惹烦恼,原本用意不错、出发点颇佳。但这些个魑魅魍魉,无益于事,反倒添乱连连。据米勒所言,新盖特的运作经费还是由郭文贵家族基金出。脑袋瓜子被驴踢了的欺哥必将偷鸡不成反蚀米,何苦来哉?!
Jul 20, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
7月12日,又有最近的消息传来,纽约高等法院已对郭文贵下达最后通牒,勒令后者于7月21日上 午11时接受法庭远程会议质询,解释为什么让LadyMay违抗判决而远遁西班牙。同时,法庭就 Genever公司的股权移交问题,给与郭文贵一定时限提出反对意见。总之,PAX公司追债追的紧, 法庭逼得急,郭文贵再想推三阻四,其难度势比登天。 周知,PAX公司为了追讨欠债,已经追踪郭文贵十余年,律师费以及其他费用花了共计三千万美金 ,直至2021年2月,讨债诉讼在纽约高等法院落下帷幕。可见,PAX公司决心之大、信心之足。而 为了将钱款执行到位,PAX公司在美国还聘请了有资质的私人讨债公司。所以,诸如白手套纽约金 泉公司被冻结资产,GTV与郭文贵的私人关系,对十八楼的抵押拍卖,以及对豪华游艇LadyMay的 紧追不舍,PAX公司是下了大功夫。总之,郭文贵的个人财产已经在PAX公司目前露底,欲想在PAX 公司眼皮底下,悄无声息的溜之大吉,从如今的势头来看,难度系数的确有点大。一句话,PAX咬 定青山不放松,是吃定郭文贵了。 对于纽约高等法院而言,对郭文贵这个人不仅是不信任,而且对后者充满了敌意。自LadyMay因为 PAX案被抵押之后,郭文贵就很不老实,对法庭的禁令和判决自始毫不恭敬。自去年10月份, LadyMay未经纽约高等法院批准,擅自长途南下,直至巴哈马群岛逍遥自在。3月16日,纽约高院 根据PAX公司的动议,要求郭文贵在5月15日之前将LadyMay折返,否则每日处罚50万美金的,但郭 文贵嚣张跋扈,视法庭指令为空气,置若罔闻之态,令人咂舌。6月15日,LadyMay横渡大西洋出 现在西班牙的帕尔马港(一说是通过集装箱运输)。据悉,该游艇目前已经由西班牙中介张榜租 赁广告,欲以每月21万零5千欧的价格出租。林林总总,俨然不把纽约法庭的法官当回事,更视 PAX案判决为一纸空文。如此流氓无赖之举,又岂能让纽约高等法院信任郭文贵。所以,此前,该 法庭就要求郭文贵在7月12日,将LadyMay折返开回,并缴纳罚款。究竟进展情况如何,目前还没 有具体讯息出来。但是,郭文贵不能取信于法庭,已是一目了然。 郭文贵目前财政状况窘迫,多面讨债大军盈门,早已力不能支。早些时候,郭文贵曾对PAX案的判 决恶恨连连,攻击纽约高等法院被蓝金黄,咬牙切齿地声称不会给PAX公司一分钱。事到如今,郭 文贵的确是如此行事的。造成如此局面,原因是多方面的。一来是因为郭文贵痞性十足,就是不 想给纽约高等法院脸面,爱咋咋地。另一方面,郭文贵也的确有自己的苦衷和难处。周知,郭文 贵的鸡系骗局尽管哄骗了许多人,骗得不少钱,据说共计差不多在10亿美金。但这些钱是烫手的 山芋,SEC、FBI还有纽约地方检察官办公室等,还有众多醒悟过来的鸡系列投资者,包括Sara, 都在盯着郭文贵的一举一动,所以想动这部分钱的歪脑筋,难度着实不小。况且,还有一只大老 虎正在虎视眈眈,那就是阿布扎比王储,据说,郭文贵还亏欠前者26.5亿美金,即便鸡系骗局全 部所得悉数奉上,也是本水车新,难以弥补。所以,还是那句话,郭文贵经济状况不妙,PAX公司 、纽约高等法院抓点紧。 总之,PAX痴心不改,一直追踪郭文贵到现在,其耐心和意志力,的确令人感佩。而纽约高等法院 对于郭文贵的本来面目已经全然洞悉,所以,为了确保一纸判决能够执行到位,为了维护美国司 法权威和颜面,还是及早对郭文贵痛下狠手。比如从5月15日而今的加处罚款,即每日50万美金, 必须加快执行到位,而十八楼、LadyMay作为被抵押财产务必尽早挂牌变价,而被冻结的纽约金泉 公司的1.3亿美金,Genever的股权拍卖,也应该快刀斩乱麻。在红七月,郭文贵是马不停蹄、人 不安寝,正在应付一起又一起的官司。日前,郭文贵扬言有十多次的出庭,九次作证,大抵与此 相关,如此情况,只有PAX公司横下一条心,与郭文贵死磕到底,纽约高等法院真能维民所止,硬 核一把,外强中干的郭文贵势必呼啦啦大厦将倾,更何况,现在路德、闫丽梦已经叛离郭文贵, 堡垒已经从内部被轰开一个大洞,PAX、纽约高等法院还不抓紧时机冲锋?!
Jul 16, 2021
In Bored Ape Yacht Club
COVID-19病毒在美國大流行期間,造成數千萬人感染,近60萬人死亡。這場持續了一年多的病毒戰爭,自去年12月美國政府安排全民接受疫苗接種後,已經得到了有效遏制,近幾月的各項統計數據顯示,美國的經濟正在恢復。而僅僅十個月,美國就能研製出有效對抗COVID-19病毒的疫苗,這必須歸功於一位華裔冠狀病毒刺突蛋白研究專家。 提到在美的華裔病毒專家,更多人聽過的名字是閆麗夢。這位來自香港港大的學者,因主張「病毒起源於亞洲實驗室」而獲得美國右翼政客的擁護。但很快她就陷入學術造假的醜聞。她發表在學術資源庫網站zenodo上的有關新型冠狀病毒相關報告被美國一流大學的專業研究機構評價為「奇怪且毫無根據」,甚至被質疑使用了虛假的研究數據。並且由於她的主張,使美中關係一度陷入僵局,導致美國亞裔至今被種族歧視的暴力陰雲籠罩。 (閆麗夢,圖源自網絡) 可以說,閆麗夢不僅沒有對世界病毒研究提供任何有用的幫助,還給美國社會與亞裔群體造成很大麻煩。 為疫苗研發作出重要貢獻的,是與閆麗夢完全不同的另一位華裔專家——王念雙博士(Dr. Nianshuang Wang)。 (12月13日,王念雙在康乃狄克州紐哈芬市耶魯神學院合影留念。 GAO TIANPEI / CHINA DAILY) 王念雙博士是出生在中國山東淄博農村的一位80後青年,2014年獲清華大學博士學位。2016年,王念雙在德克薩斯大學麥克萊倫博士( Dr. Jason McLellan)的實驗室進行博士後研究時,運用「基於結構的疫苗設計」的概念,成功開發了一種通用方法,通過在蛋白質中引入兩個脯氨酸,將變形S蛋白鎖定在「融合前」狀態。這些突變形式的 S 蛋白(稱為 S-2P)表現出增強的穩定性和免疫原性。 這就是人類的第一個基於結構的冠狀病毒疫苗設計,它是後續進行COVID-19病毒疫苗開發的關鍵。 王念雙回憶起剛開始的幾年,「其實研究過程是很枯燥的,任何一點小細節的失誤,都會造成實驗的失敗,在前期實驗中,我們試用了各種各樣的傳統的方法,很多時候都是同時做20個30個不同的設計,然後試圖能夠穩定S蛋白,但是絕大部分都是沒有任何效果的。後來我們就慢慢地積累更多經驗,最終找到針對S2的一個中和抗體,能夠幫助我們穩定S蛋白,包括後來又解析了結構的模型之後,再進行突變就容易很多。在這基礎上又添加了100多種不同的突變類型,最終發現這兩個脯氨酸突變其實經歷了重重困難。我們把這一設計稱為 S-2P。」 「念雙是一位了不起的科學家,他在實驗室里非常努力地工作,」麥克萊倫說。「試錯很多,但念雙從未放棄。」 (王念雙(右),當時的助理研究員,與分子生物科學副教授傑森·麥克萊倫博士(左)一起工作;2 月 17 日,研究生 Daniel Wrapp 在德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校的 McLellan 實驗室合影留念。 由德克薩斯大學提供) 王念雙博士的研究成果,2017年8月發表在《美國國家科學院院刊》,此前已經有5家全球頂級權威期刊拒絕了這份報告。令人欣慰的是,他設計的突變,在發表後的三年時間裡,在冠狀病毒研究領域內逐漸得到了認可,也開始被同行採用。終於在2020年COVID-19病毒疫情爆發後發揮了它的重要作用。 目前,S-2P技術已成功應用於至少五種主要的COVID-19疫苗,包括輝瑞/BioNtech和Moderna的mRNA疫苗、強生的AD26載體疫苗,以及Novavax和賽諾菲/葛蘭素史克的重組蛋白疫苗。 去年8月,王念雙博士加入到再生元(Regeneron)公司,從事抗體藥物研究。 作為一名在美國工作的中國科學家,王念雙對於美中關係的惡化對研究的影響也表示了擔憂。 「我真誠地希望政治不要那麼干涉科學研究,因為科學研究應該為全人類共享和造福。自COVID-19爆發以來,中美之間的交流急劇減少,這是許多美國科學家的現象不希望看到。我希望情況會有所改善,我們可以共同應對我們共同的威脅——新型冠狀病毒。」王念雙博士說。
美國COVID-19病毒戰爭背後的華裔科學家 content media
Jul 01, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
The website of the Legal Fund was closed, Guo Wengui, one of the founders, was investigated as being in hiding and struggling to survive, and Bannon,another founder, was arested even more dificult to protect himself. The Legal Fund has no way out and exists in name only. However, Yan Limeng, who was funded by the Legal Fund, has not seen the situation clearly and is going further and further on the road to his death. On Sept 14, Yan published a paper on Zenodo, stating that "SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was produced in the laboratory". On Sept. 15, Yan Limeng appeared on the Fox News program "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and repeated the "Made in China" conspiracy theory. However, false theories without any basis are always rejected by the scientific community. Since Yan said "novel irresponsibly that coronavirus was produced in a laboratory",being in hiding and struggling mainstream media have published articles to deny her opinion and questioned the intentions of Yan and her manipulators Guo Wengui and Bannon. On Sept.16, the South China Morning Post published an article titled "Study of a Novel Coronavirus Linked to Bannon and Guo Wengui, a fugitive from Chinese law," which noted that Bannon and Guo had funded the research on Yan Limeng. Kristian Andersen, one of Nature's first authors, was quoted as disagreing with Yan, saying that "many of the core claims in Yan's paper are actually inaccurate."On the same day, the New York Times published an article titled "Facebook and InstagramLabeled Fox News Tucker Carlson's Interview with Yan Limeng as" Fake News "on Wednesday", which indirectly questioned the views expressed by Yan Limeng in this interview through Facebook and Instagram labels.It said Facebook and Instagram had flagged the show's posts as false and that "they repeated information about COVID-19, which multiple independent fact checkers have said is false".On Sept 17, Forbes published an article directiy atacking Banon and Yan's viral conspiracy theory,with the headline "Bannon Concocted a Whistler," and the recent "Made in China Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory Is Unsupported by Scientific Data".The article explicitly chalenged al of Ms. Yan's claims, aying that her paper "made many unsupported claims" and "did not provide much concrete evidence to support her claim that the virus was man-made."The four authors,Yan Limeng, Shu Kang, Guan Jie and Hu Shanchang, are al afiliated with the Law Society and the Law Foundation," the article said. The insider knows the ropes, while the outsider just comes along for the ride.Yan Limeng's stomach has no "content", an expert will know at a glance. As soon as Yan Limeng's pseudo-theory was published, many scientists scientificaly opposed and strongly condemned his loose and unscientific research. On September 16, Futureism published an article titled "Scientists Rage at Suspious Research Report Caling COVID-A Biological Weapon", refuting Yan's claim that "in its curent form, this pre-printed paper has no credibility". Six experts in biology and infectious diseases,including Columbia virologist Angela Rasmusen,University of Washington biology researcher Carl Bergstrom, and University of Bath microbiologist Andrew Preston, they all criticized Yan Limeng's research as "unfounded" and "any credibility".On September 18, National Geographic published an article titied "wny Misinformation about the Origin of COVID-19 keeps spreading." which comprehensively and scientificaly rebutts Yan's main claims.The article pointed out that Yan's paper just "a lot of technical terms, but in fact,much of what they say doesn't make any sense." Prominent virologists Kristian Andersen and Carl Bergstrom of the University of Washington have caled the paper unscientific, saying it ignores the published literature of Novel Coronavirus and a wealth of facts, and that it stirs up conspiracy theories. Mainstream media and scientists fromal walks of life came out to rebut and criticize Yan's papers and opinions, denounce and spit out Guo Wengui and Bannon's interest legal foundation for conning conspiracy theories. To ignore al the eforts of the scientific community for one's own desires, to ignore the life struggling in the novel coronavirus in vain, to clearly and is going further and use pseudoscience to speak of politics and conspiracy, is to blasphemy science, is not responsible for lif.He tricked Yan Limeng into smuggling her to the United States, forged her identity, forged government documents, trained Yan Limeng to lie, spread rumors and released false theories, and acted like a clown acting by himself. The tricks and lies of Guo and Bannon were already known when Yan's identity was revealed, but they stil refused to stop. Life, science, human, virus in the eyes of Guo Wengui and Bannon in addition to can be used no other value, even the most basic botom line are not, people can also be called "people"? Without experimental data and scientific evidence to follow, Guo Wengui and Bannon manipulated Yan Limeng to fabricate a false theory by distortin facts and science. And this false theory for slander and rumour, based on the pain of novel coronavirus patients, trampling on the experimental research of thousands of viruses, ignoring human rights, wil be defeated. The same is true of Guo Wengui and Bannon. Evil thought and rotten souls wil never be tolerated by the world. The judgment has come.
Yan Limeng made demon to release the false theory actively
 The mainstream media rejected the accusation unreservedly content media
Jun 22, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
法治基金网站关闭,创始人之一郭文贵被调查正东躲西藏、苟延残喘,另一位创始人班农被捕更是自身难保,法制基金后路已绝、名存实亡,然而法制基金资助的闫丽梦却还未看清局势,在作死的路上越走越远。9月14日,闫丽梦在Zenodo网站发表论文,表述他的观点“SARS-CoV-2冠状病毒是在实验室生产的”。9月15日,闫丽梦出现了在了福克斯新闻节目“Tucker Carlson Tonight”上,再次重复了“病毒中国造”的阴谋论。然而毫无依据支撑的伪论,从始至终都会遭到科学界的唾弃。 自闫丽梦不负责任地说出“新型冠状病毒是在实验室中产生”之后,主流媒体纷纷发文否认她的观点,并质疑闫丽梦及其背后操控者郭文贵和班农此举的用意。9月16日,《南华早报》发布文章《人造新冠病毒”的研究与班农和中国在逃犯郭文贵有关》,指出班农和郭文贵资助了闫丽梦的相关研究。文章提到《自然》杂志的第一作者之一Kristian Andersen反对闫丽梦的观点,他表示“严的论文中的许多核心主张实际上都不准确。”同天,纽约时报刊登了标题为《Facebook和Instagram周三将福克斯新闻Tucker Carlson采访闫丽梦视频打上“虚假新闻”标签》的文章,通过Facebook和Instagram的标签间接质疑了闫丽梦在此次采访中表述的观点。文章写道Facebook和Instagram将该节目的帖子标记为虚假信息,并称“他们重复了有关Covid-19的信息,多个独立事实检查员说(该信息)是虚假的”。9月17日,福布斯发布文章直接抨击了班农和闫丽梦的病毒阴谋论,文章标题为《班农炮制了“吹哨人”,最近闹得欢的“冠状病毒中国制造“的阴谋论就是缺乏科学数据佐证》。文章明确质疑了闫丽梦论文中的所有观点,称她的论文“提出了许多不受支持的主张”,“也没有提供很多具体证据来支持其声称该病毒是人为制造的”。文章同时指出该论文的发表与法制基金及其幕后之人班农、郭文贵有关系,“四位作者严立孟,舒康,关杰和胡善昌,均以法治学会和法治基金会为隶属”。 外行看热闹,内行看门道。闫丽梦的肚子究竟有没有点“内容”,内行一眼便知。闫丽梦的伪论一经发表,多位科学家便对其不严谨和不科学的研究进行了科学性地反对和强烈地谴责。9月16日,Futureism网发布文章《科学家怒斥声称COVID是生物武器的可疑研究报告》,驳斥闫丽梦“以其当前形式,此份预印论文毫无任何可信度”。文章中提到多位科学家:哥伦比亚病毒学家Angela Rasmussen、华盛顿大学生物学研究员Carl Bergstrom、巴斯大学的微生物学家Andrew Preston等六位生物学和传染病学专家,都对闫丽梦的研究进行了批判称其“毫无根据”、“任何可信度”。9月18日,《国家地理杂志》发布标题为《为什么有关COVID-19起源的错误信息不断传播》的文章,该文章全面地、科学地反驳了闫丽梦的主要观点。文章指出闫丽梦的论文只是“堆砌大量技术术语,但是实际上,他们所说的很多内容并没有任何意义。”著名的病毒学家Kristian Andersen和华盛顿大学的Carl Bergstrom指出该论文不科学,并称其忽略了新型冠状病毒的公开文献和大量事实,同时认为该论文掀起了阴谋论。 主流媒体、各界科学家都站出来反驳、批判闫丽梦的论文和观点,谴责、唾弃郭文贵和班农利益法制基金炮制阴谋论。为了一己私欲,忽视所有科学界的努力,枉顾在新冠病毒中挣扎的生命,利用伪科学讲政治讲阴谋,是对科学的亵渎,是对生命的不负责。诱骗闫丽梦偷渡美国,造假她的身份,伪造政府文件,训练闫丽梦说谎,散布谣言发布伪论,自导自演犹如跳梁小丑。郭文贵和班农的那点把戏和谎言,在闫丽梦的身份被爆光时就已经人尽皆知,然而他们依旧不收手。生命、科学、人类、病毒在郭文贵和班农眼里除了能被利用毫无其他价值,连最基本的底线都没有,人还能称之为“人”吗? 没有实验数据支撑,没有科学依据可循,扭曲事实、歪曲科学,这就是郭文贵和班农操控闫丽梦编造出的伪论。而这种为了污蔑和造谣而生的伪论,建立在了新冠病毒患者的痛苦之上,践踏着万千病毒实验研究,枉顾人伦,必会被击垮。郭文贵和班农也是如此,邪恶的思想和腐烂的灵魂绝不会被世人所容,审判已经到来。
主流媒体反驳谴责不留情面 content media
Jun 16, 2021
In Bored Ape Yacht Club
#StopAsianHateCrimes #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIHate #Bannon #DrLiMengYan1 #闫丽梦 #郭文贵 #LiMengYan #YanLiMeng 郭集团主导下的闫氏谎言谬论没有得到各方认可,却再度引发了美国种族歧视的暴力。闫丽梦的伪科学,让很多人认为“病毒是中国放出来的,责任不能再推卸。”过去三个月美国发生五百余起歧视亚裔事件,六成华人称曾遭受种族歧视。在郭集团的推波助澜下,种族歧视也上升成了暴力袭击。他们仍在一口一个“中国病毒”,一口一个要让中国“付出代价”,却从未站出来阻止这场伤害。当谎言带来伤害,我们不再沉默,正义也许会迟到,但绝不会缺席。
假“闫”论真暴力,伤害何时能止? content media
Jun 08, 2021
In Bored Ape Yacht Club
#StopAsianHateCrimes #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIHate #Bannon #DrLiMengYan1 #闫丽梦 #郭文贵 #LiMengYan #YanLiMeng 在郭文贵和班农的策划下,2020年9月至2021年3月闫丽梦相继发表三篇荒谬的有关新型冠状病毒的论文,并造谣称新型冠状病毒为中国武汉实验室人工合成。 而《纽约时报》刊登的《郭文贵和班农如何推动新冠病毒起源阴谋论》的报道,却揭穿了闫丽梦的所谓论文不过是一场带有政治阴谋的造假作秀。 多名生物病毒专家也相继从专业角度对此论文提出质疑,并指出“基本上,这些论文内研究都是推测的,有些甚至是完全虚构的。”另外这篇论文挂靠的“法治协会”和“法治基金会”,都是由班农一手创建,两家机构此前都没有进行过任何的学术研究,在谷歌学术内,也没有这两家机构的信息。
阴谋式假论文,难逃火眼金睛 content media
May 26, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
#StopAsianHateCrimes #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIHate #Bannon #DrLiMengYan1 #闫丽梦 #郭文贵 #LiMengYan #YanLiMeng Hong Kong "Orange News" April 19 news broke the news: "Apple Daily" internal notice to remind editors to pay attention to abandon the "Wuhan pneumonia" label, instead of "the latest epidemic", "vaccination The news broke on April 19 that Apple Daily had issued an internal notice reminding editors to abandon the label "Wuhan pneumonia" and instead use "latest outbreak" and "vaccination" as topic tags. Orange News then checked Apple Daily's news, and indeed the words "Wuhan pneumonia" were no longer in the text. Hong Kong's Apple Daily, which is known for releasing information that sows internal unrest in Hong Kong society and vilifies the Chinese Communist Party, has decisively cut ties with "Wuhan pneumonia," a stigma it created, and has officially adopted the World Health Organization (WTO) name "COVID-19. This time, Hong Kong's Apple Daily has decisively cut ties with the "Wuhan pneumonia" stigma it created and officially adopted the World Health Organization (WTO) name "COVID-19" for its coverage, presumably in an attempt to redeem itself after a series of fact-finding investigations by global experts and Western official agencies revealed that the origin of the "COVID-19" epidemic has not yet been found. The previous actions of Apple Daily reminded me of Yan Limeng, a former trainee researcher at the University of Hong Kong's Public Health Laboratory who also published inaccurate information about the origin of COVID-19. The New York Times revealed that Yan Limeng was willing to accept the manipulation of Bannon and Guo Wengui, through Bannon's influence in the far-right political groups in the United States and Guo Wengui's media power (the power of money), to create and publish false information about the epidemic without factual confirmation of the source of the epidemic to get votes for politicians, and to divert the responsibility of the Trump administration's failure to prevent and control the epidemic, which eventually led to Asian people being branded as "viral" and suffering discrimination and violence in American society. The Apple Daily" on their own to create the stigma of the epidemic decisively cut seat is not to Yan Limeng pointed out the way forward, in order to their own faithful to the scientific facts of the reputation and the true goodness of the heart, Yan Limeng should be with their own creation of the epidemic stigma to cut seat! Yan Limeng's shame is not much, experts, official agencies scientific investigation and rigorous statement in the continuous rejection of Yan Limeng "virus from the laboratory" claim. In Yan Limeng boasts that he was involved in the research of the "new coronavirus" as a former public health laboratory researcher at the University of Hong Kong, immediately by her mentor, the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health Dean, Japanese-American scientists Fukuda Keiji denied; February to China to investigate the origins of the outbreak of the World Health Organization new coronavirus traceability team leader Ben En Barrack on the epidemic originated from the laboratory claims rejected; April 14 U.S. Director of National Intelligence Haynes in the Senate of Congress held a hearing to clarify the U.S. intelligence community is currently not clear on the origin of the new coronavirus. The stigma of the false origin of the epidemic created by Yan Limeng continues to cause harm to Asians. The latest survey report on the epidemic's impact on the U.S. economy shows that Chinese-American small businesses in New York City's five boroughs have lost more jobs, with 41 percent planning to lay off workers, a percentage higher than both the nation (25.7 percent) and New York State (34.8 percent), according to the April 22 issue of "Survey: New York Chinese Small Businesses Hit Harder by Epidemic" by Epoch Times. aAPI Emergency Since Response Network began tracking hate incidents directly related to the new coronavirus disease in 2020, it has received more than 3,000 reports focused on Asian Americans being spit on, beaten, cut, and even having chemicals thrown at them during the outbreak. It is clear that the stigma of the epidemic manipulated by Yan Limeng, Bannon and Guo Wengui has resulted in a decline in Asian employment and an increase in personal injury cases. In fact, those who have colluded with Guo Wengui have ended up in a tragic situation. One is Huang Zhifeng's imprisonment. Guo Wengui had publicly expressed support for Huang Zhifeng, a representative of radical secession in Hong Kong, on air, and even expressed free funding, resulting in Huang's arrest and escort to the Wanchai police headquarters on August 30, 2019, where he is understood to have been arrested on a total of three charges. Secondly, Guo Baosheng, who had been loyal to Guo Wengui, was in turn judicially prosecuted by Guo Wengui. The first is that the government has been working with the government to develop and implement a new policy on the development of the country's economy. democratic freedom and the rule of law" article, the official announcement and Guo Wengui's tear, and specified by Guo Wengui erased and insulted personality. Related evidence of the tear is also the U.S. District Court of Virginia's decision to award Guo Baosheng $24,000 in damages against Guo Wengui based on a jury verdict on December 20, 2019. Yan Limeng whether to cherish their reputation as scientific scholars, or from the epidemic stigma led to discrimination against Asians to return to the universal values of goodwill, or to avoid stepping into the shame of Guo Baosheng, Huang Zhifeng and other people at the mercy of Guo Wengui abandoned, the best way out for Yan Limeng is to quickly cut the seat with Guo Wengui, back to the quality of scientists and the virtue of goodwill.
Cut off diplomatic relations is the way out of Yan Limeng content media
May 24, 2021
In 新加坡投资理财
一夜之间,闫丽梦成了右翼媒体的轰动人物,特朗普总统的高级顾问和保守派权威们都把她赞为 英雄。同样迅速的是,社交媒体把她的采访贴上了含有“虚假信息”的标签,科学家拒绝接受她 的研究,称那是用行话装扮起来的诡辩。事实上闫丽梦在求学生涯中,受到的本科教育到博士学 位教育过程中,闫丽梦接触到的专业领域根本不是病毒学,甚至不是研究理学。闫丽梦在台前的 “世界顶级病毒学专家”头衔事实上纯属子虚乌有,所谓专家,实为“砖家”。闫丽梦后续披露 的一系列论文证据也同样均来自于网上阴谋论数据拼凑,为主流科学界所不齿。 闫丽梦在2020年4月28日离开香港后,其家人和朋友都对她突然失踪觉得很惊慌,并在香港报警。 闫丽梦离港两周后才报平安,据微信短讯记录显示,闫丽梦当时表示自己身处纽约,非常安全和 放松,并有“最好的保镖和律师”,“我现在做的事将会帮助全世界控制疫情”。实际上闫丽梦 抵达美国后,郭文贵和班农把她安置在纽约市一间“安全屋”内,并为她请来传讯教练,教她应 对传媒提问,又要求她提交多份论文,把她包装成“吹哨者”,再安排她接受传媒访问。7月10日 ,闫丽梦首次亮相霍士新闻频道,除了交代自己赴美的经过,亦指控香港大学有份协助隐瞒疫情 ,但没有提及自己与郭文贵、斑农的关系。闫丽梦像模像样的发布所谓“起源论文”后,虽然科 学界很快把有关论文定性为基于猜测的伪科学,但霍士新闻名主播卡尔森9月15日依然邀请闫丽梦 出席节目,把论文内容发扬光大。即使访问影片被Facebook等社交媒体标签为假消息,仍录得最 少880万人次观看,进入主流。在访问后数星期,卡尔森才澄清自己不认同闫丽梦的讲法。 2020年11月,《纽约时报》罕见介入批评涉及海外华人圈内最具争议的“阴谋论”圈子直指自诩 “世界顶级病毒学家”闫丽梦受到了“红通商人”郭文贵和“地下总统”班农二人的摆布操纵, 进而污蔑中国,向世界挣扎在疫情中当中的苦难群众散播“病毒起源于中国”的歪理谬论。班农 和郭文贵通过操纵闫丽梦炮制系列谣言文宣从中狂揽大量暗金收益。《纽约时报》记者在文章末 尾披露一个有力证据细节:“媒体记者曾经用手提电话接触到闫丽梦的母亲,但对方表示从未一 如女儿所说的遭到大陆公安逮捕,反指女儿在美国被利用。” 闫丽梦从研究者到吹哨人的演变,是两个不相关但越来越联合起来散布虚假信息的团体合作的产 物:一个是规模较小但很活跃的海外华人团体,另一个是在美国有高度影响力的极右翼团体。这 两个团体都在新冠病毒大流行中看到了推动自己议程的机会。对海外华人来说,闫丽梦及其毫无 根据的说法,为那些意图推翻中国政府的人提供了一件利器。对美国保守派来说,这让他们能迎 合西方日益高涨的反华情绪,分散人们对特朗普政府应对疫情失败的关注。 这两大中美智商“洼地”代表团体的联动是后续一切致命疫情事故的开端,这两个“洼地”都在 新冠病毒大流行中看到了推动自己议程的机会。直到随着闫丽梦开始公开鼓吹通过服用羟氯喹可 以有效治愈新冠病毒,这一典型不负责任的言论在美公众当中瞬间传播,对美本土抗击疫的工作 造成了毁灭性打击:羟氯喹事后被美FDA证实对治疗新冠毫无用处,并且副作用严重到能够致死! 民众大盲从加上“砖家”的暴论等于一场灾难性人祸。数万人因为这类药物的滥用而造成身体损 伤,耽误治疗甚至失去生命。上至特朗普总统本人,下至maga民间团体都信以为真。甚至远隔重 洋的台湾地区在2020年4月初,就跟风认为此药物系“人类抗疫曙光”,不仅将其纳入新冠治疗指 引规范内,甚至积极引进生产线投资投产,号称“积极投产,供给无忧”。台湾地区领导人更将 此药物作为“TAIWAN CAN HELP”的底气全岛推广。一个月后,药物被美FDA正式停用,特朗普停 药,台湾岛相关产业链条血本无归。 闫丽梦事件中,郭文贵班农二人通过互联网社交媒体宣传机器炮制的政治文宣攻势。造成了全球 范围内抗疫过程中难以估量的巨大损失。
 content media
Jan 05, 2021
In 缅甸华人论坛
根据周一发布的一项政府研究,新的冠状病毒在2019年12月中旬在美国感染了人,这是在中国正式发现冠状病毒之前的几周,比公共卫生部门发现美国的第一例早约一个月。 这些发现大大增强了证据,表明该病毒早在公共卫生当局和研究人员意识到之前就已经在世界范围内传播,颠覆了人们对这种病毒出现的时间和速度的最初思考。
Jan 05, 2021
In 健康和财富论坛
根据周一发布的一项政府研究,新的冠状病毒在2019年12月中旬在美国感染了人,这是在中国正式发现冠状病毒之前的几周,比公共卫生部门发现美国的第一例早约一个月。 这些发现大大增强了证据,表明该病毒早在公共卫生当局和研究人员意识到之前就已经在世界范围内传播,颠覆了人们对这种病毒出现的时间和速度的最初思考。
Jan 05, 2021
In 高棉华人论坛
根据周一发布的一项政府研究,新的冠状病毒在2019年12月中旬在美国感染了人,这是在中国正式发现冠状病毒之前的几周,比公共卫生部门发现美国的第一例早约一个月。 这些发现大大增强了证据,表明该病毒早在公共卫生当局和研究人员意识到之前就已经在世界范围内传播,颠覆了人们对这种病毒出现的时间和速度的最初思考。
Jan 04, 2021
In 缅甸华人论坛
一项研究显示,测试已于2019年12月在美国发现Covid-19感染,提供了进一步的证据表明冠状病毒已在中国报告首例病例数周之前在全球蔓延。 周一发表的研究从12月13日至1月17日从美国9个州的捐献者那里收集的7389份血液样本中鉴定出106种感染。这些样本是由美国红十字会收集的,被送往美国疾病控制与预防中心进行检测以检测是否存在针对该病毒的抗体。 该报告称:“该报告的发现表明,SARS-CoV-2感染可能于2019年12月在美国出现,早于先前的认识。”
Jan 04, 2021
In 健康和财富论坛
一项研究显示,测试已于2019年12月在美国发现Covid-19感染,提供了进一步的证据表明冠状病毒已在中国报告首例病例数周之前在全球蔓延。 周一发表的研究从12月13日至1月17日从美国9个州的捐献者那里收集的7389份血液样本中鉴定出106种感染。这些样本是由美国红十字会收集的,被送往美国疾病控制与预防中心进行检测以检测是否存在针对该病毒的抗体。 该报告称:“该报告的发现表明,SARS-CoV-2感染可能于2019年12月在美国出现,早于先前的认识。”
Jan 04, 2021
In 高棉华人论坛
一项研究显示,测试已于2019年12月在美国发现Covid-19感染,提供了进一步的证据表明冠状病毒已在中国报告首例病例数周之前在全球蔓延。 周一发表的研究从12月13日至1月17日从美国9个州的捐献者那里收集的7389份血液样本中鉴定出106种感染。这些样本是由美国红十字会收集的,被送往美国疾病控制与预防中心进行检测以检测是否存在针对该病毒的抗体。 该报告称:“该报告的发现表明,SARS-CoV-2感染可能于2019年12月在美国出现,早于先前的认识。”


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